Abstract Submission Guidelines
Participants interested in giving an oral or poster presentation are invited to submit an abstract. All abstracts will undergo a review by the Abstract Review Committee, to choose which abstracts may be accepted. Submissions will open on February 1st and close on June 2nd 2025. Abstracts submitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
Confirmation of receipt & notification of evaluation
The submitter will receive all information about the abstracts and is responsible of sharing information with all co-authors. Acknowledgement for the submission will be sent to the e-mail address stated under section “Personal details”. A tracking code allocated to the abstract will be indicated in the e-mail. Please refer to this code in all correspondence regarding the abstract. Notification on acceptance of the abstracts will be e-mailed by June 23rd, 2025. The registered author will receive all information concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing the other authors of the status of the abstract. Please contact the Secretariat if you submit an abstract and do not receive confirmation that it has been successfully received.
Presentation at Congress
Instructions for preparing the oral or poster presentations will be sent together with acceptance notifications. The Committee will endeavor to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation. For each abstract, at least one author is expected to attend the congress in order to present the poster or oral communication. The presenting author of the accepted abstract must register by the registration deadline (July 21st 2025) and attend the Congress.
Writing & submitting your abstract
Please follow the guidance below when writing and submitting your abstract. The abstract should be as informative as possible. Structured abstracts are mandatory. The abstracts should state clearly:
- Purpose: state background and specific objective of study
- Methods: shortly describe methods used
- Results: summarize results obtained
- Conclusions: state conclusions reached
- Keywords: please suggest 3 keywords that describe the content of the abstract. Standard abbreviations may be used.
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Presenting author’s date of birth
- Author and co-authors’ details: full first and family name(s)
- Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Furthermore, all Participants who wish to submit an abstract for ISIAT 2025 must fill in all required fields for co-authors (Title, Surname, Name, Bachelor Degree, Residency/Fellowship, Qualification, Affiliation, Affiliation City and Country) during the online abstract submission procedure.
Presentation type – please choose from one of the following:
- Oral presentation
- Poster presentation
Abstract title – Limited to 300 characters including spaces Abstract text – The complete abstract must not exceed 3.200 characters including spaces (approx. 350 words). (Please Note: Word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are added) Abstract topic: Intra-articular therapy Prepare all images in JPG format before starting the process. If you wish to add more than one image/table/graphics, you must prepare a single JPG file and this should not exceed 200 Kbytes. The Organizing Secretariat will check all images and can decide to change their dimensions or reject them according to the publisher. Please note: Abstracts can be edited until the deadline using the User ID and Password received upon submission.
Selected Abstracts will be published in an Abstract Book by the end of November 2025.
For questions about the submission, do not hesitate to contact: